Valerian Root
(Valeriana officinalis) Powerful nervine, for tension, anxiety, insomnia, emotional
stress, intestinal colic, menstrual cramps, severe headache and rheumatic pain. Vanadyl Sulfate is the best and
safest form of the trace mineral vanadium. Vanadium is involved in cellular metabolism,
growth, and reproduction, and in the formation of bones and teeth. Studies with rats have
shown that it may be able to reverse diabetes. It seems that vanadyl "mimics"
the action of insulin, stimulating glycogen production and the transport of amino acids
into muscle tissue and preventing the breakdown of muscle protein. Body-builders have
reported impressive gains in muscle size and strength when adding vanadyl sulfate to their
regimen. Some research suggests that the trace mineral chromium, which also helps control
blood sugar levels, is best taken at a different time from vanadium. |