Clover Flower (Trifolium pratense) Blood cleanser: nutritive; used for
childhood eczema, psoriasis, coughs, bronchitis, ulcers, inflammation and infection.
Red Raspberry Leaf
(Rhubus idaeus) Pregnancy herb; nutritive; relieves nausea. Uterine tonic, eases painful menses,
checks hemorrhage. Remedy for childhood diarrhea, gargle for sore throat, bleeding gums.
Red Root (Cesnothus
Lymphatic remedy. Used for tonsillitis, sore throat, enlarged lymph nodes and spleen,
fibrous cysts. Mild expectorant, hemostatic. Rose Hips (Rosa
spp.) Nutrient, mild diuretic and laxative, mild astringent. Good source of
Vit.C. For
colds, flu, general debility and exhaustion, constipation.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus
Circulatory and nerve stimulant used for tension headache associated with dyspepsia, also
depression. Anti-bacterial; antifungal. Externally for muscular pain, neuralgia and