Deer Velvet Good For Athletes
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Nutrient News
April 27, 2000
Deer Velvet May Be
Good For Athletes

from Reuters
February 23, 2000

WELLINGTON (Reuters) - Ground up deer horn has been pushed for years as an aphrodisiac; now New Zealand deer farmers plan a new tack with a more scientific backing -- promoting velvet as a supplement to boost athletic performance.     

Human clinical trials at New Zealand's Otago University indicate a possible link between the velvet and improved strength and endurance gains in training, the New Zealand Game Industry Board said in a statement on Monday.  At the request of the industry group, scientists at Otago University Human Performance Center compared the development of muscle strength and endurance in male athletes taking a velvet supplement and others taking a placebo. Deer velvet is the velvet-like substance that covers growing antlers.    

"The group taking a powdered form of New Zealand deer velvet showed greater improvements in isokinetic strength and muscular endurance as a result of training than the control group," the industry body said.     (Emphasis added.)

The ground-up velvet might also aid recovery from muscle tissue damage, and athletes taking the supplement reported less muscle soreness, it said.  Further research is planned in the United States, in a bid to set up a credible body of research for that market, the board said.

See our In-depth article about Deer Antler


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